Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution:
Francisco I. Madero and His Secret Book, Spiritist Manual

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In writing my book, Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution: Francisco I. Madero and His Secret Book, Spiritist Manual, I came upon a wealth of rare and obscure books, archives, films, and more, and I am delighted to share information about as many of these as I can. Perhaps what you find on this page will merely satisfy your curiosity about one thing or another, but perhaps—I hope—you are a researcher yourself, and aim to take the story of Francisco I. Madero, Spiritism, and the Mexican Revolution of 1910 to new heights and sound new depths. This story, like all stories in any country's history, is never-ending, for there will always be new information and with that, new perspectives. May this page nurture your endeavors.

P.S. Just before he passed away in 2010, my father, Roger Mansell, author of the World War II POW history Captured: The Forgotten Men of Guam, gave this inspiring talk.

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Now available in paperback, Kindle, and in Spanish, also in paperback and Kindle.