Dear Subscribers,
Herewith: the first formal newsletter!
You are receiving this because probably quite a while ago you signed up
for my mailing list. I will be sending this out only about 4
- 6 times a year. If for any reason you no longer wish to receive
these, please "unsubscribe" at the bottom of this page
(it's automatic). [this refers
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A very warm welcome to the 89
of you who are new on this list.
free e-book for you: "C.M. Mayo on Creative Writing:
The Best from the Blog," a 50+ page cornucopia of the
tips from my writing workshops. Click on the cover to download
this fully formatted PDF (which you can read on any computer
and also open in iBooks).
receive the links and passwords for free e-books in the newsletter
About the novel The
Last Prince of the Mexican Empire (Unbridled Books, 2009)
The novel based on the true story of Mexico's half-American
heir presumptive, Agustín de Iturbide y Green
It's now available from Unbridled
Books in paperback, in Kindle and other e-book formats, and
from Grijalbo Random House Mondadori, an excellent Spanish
translation by Mexican poet and writer Agustín Cadena
--> Read
more about the book: reviews, photos, bibliography, articles,
excerpts, videos, and more.
-->and the interview by Mary J. Lohnes, "The
Politics of Love"
-->En español: El
último príncipe del Imperio Mexicano
--> Order the book (links to
on-line booksellers. The paperbacks are also available in bookstores--
the Spanish version in Sanborns, Gandhi, Sotano, y etc.)
to the podcasts, including
my lecture about my research in the Iturbide Archives at the
Library of Congress y la presentación en la ciudad de
México con Dr Javier Garciego, Eduardo Turrent, Carlos
Pascual y Carlos González Manterola.
In other words,
what I've been up to: Dancing Chiva Literary Arts, S.C.
Some of you know Dancing Chiva as my company in Mexico City to
handle writing workshops. It is now expanded into an e-book publisher
specializing in my e-books, as well as e-books by others. The catalog
has works now availble or forthcoming in Bajacaliforniana, esoterica,
Maximiliana, works by C.M. Mayo, and works for writers.
incudes my short story originally published in the Kenyon
Review, "The
Buidling of Quality," now availble in a Kindle edition.
So what's the "esoterica"? This is my annotated translation,
the first into English, of the Spiritist Manual
by "Bhima," or Francisc o
I. Madero (yes, Mexico's
Revolutionary leader and President), published in 1911. It is
a most unusual book, and given that Madero claimed he was a medium
and involved himself in politics on the prompting of the spirits,
it is a crucial document for anyone who would attempt to understand
the Mexican Revolution. The "pub date" is November
11, 2011. Read more about this title here.
Miraculous Air, my
travel memoir of Baja California, Mexico's nearly 1,000 mile-long
peninsula remains in print in a beautiful paperback
edition from Milkweed Editions. Dancing Chiva will be bringing
out the e-book on Kindle and iBooks later this year.
-->Read more about this book (photos, videos, excerpts, and
-->Watch my video about designing
the Dancing Chiva e-book covers here:
-->Why is it called "Dancing Chiva?"
Read the interview by John
Randolph Bennett.
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico:
Author's Sala --November 10, 2011
I will be talking about
my translation of Madero's Spiritist
of Fiction Workshops
Bethesda MD: The
Writer's Center one day workshop on "Techniques of Fiction"
Sept 24, 2011
San Miguel de Allende: San Miguel Writers Workshops "Techniques
of Fiction" - February 2012
--> These and more events are listed here:

See also the all-knew page of podcasts
on creative writing and updates on resources
for writers.

-->"The Arc of Writerly
Action" from a talk on writing historical fiction for the
American Independent Writers Conference
-->"Decluttering Your Writing" from a blog post
on creative writing
-->"Hell, I Knew It Was Paradise" (from Miraculous
Air) A profile of the beloved Baja California sportfishing legend
legend Bob Van Wormer
-->"A Banquet of Mexican Literature"
-->"Haunted Historical Fiction: The Curious Coincidences
Concerning Senator Claiborne Pell's Mansion"
Listen in here
Go direct to iTunes at
2006, I've been blogging on sundry subjects. Updates on Mondays
and more often than not more often. Recent blogs include:
Language Overlay: A Technique of Fiction
A suprisingly simple
yet powerful technique.
a Library: The 10 Question Flow Chart
When is it a library and when is it hoarding? A personal library
can easily mushroom (ay, and paperbacks do seem to multiply,
in multitudinous multitudes) into a gnarly mess. And what good
is a library where you can't find the darned book you're looking
Farm (About artist Katherine Dunn's blog on Apifera Farm)
Can the suddenly and drastically cheaper cost of disseminating
information, yoked to creativity, plow up even one of our most
ancient equations?
10 Books Read 2010
Topped by Paula Kamen's extraordinary memoir of her friendship
with writer Iris Chang
Coll's 5 Favorite Comic Novels
And many more guest-bloggers, among them, Eric D. Goodman,
Roberta Rich, David Lida, isabella Tree, and many more, listed
in the archive.

My blog for researchers of the Second
Empire / French Intervention, both serious and armchair. Here
I share my research on (most) Tuesdays... as well as notes and
news from readers... Post includes reviews on José Luis
Blasio's classic Maximiliano intimo, Carlota's piano (and
it's peculiar odyssey), Sara Yorke Stevenson, Eulogio Gillow's
rare memoir (which includes an eyewitness account of Carlota
in Rome 1866) & much more
Thank you for your
interest, and good wishes to you!
C.M. Mayo