are receiving this because you signed up for my mailing list.
Intended to be both fun and useful, these newsletters go out
only about 3 to 5 times a year (quarterly-ish). If, for any reason
you no longer wish to receive these, please do not report this
as spam, but simply opt out at the bottom of this page (it's
automatic). [This
text refers to the subscribers receive via e-mail] |
A warm welcome to all and especially to those of you who are
new to this list. This newsletter announces my dad's new book, my four
(count 'em) new ebooks, one of which is free as in "free
as the wind," plus four new podcasts,
a short
story, "Revillagigedo," revived,
two questions
for you, the best from
ye olde blog Madam
Mayo, and some nifty
Plus news about my reading
from work in progress January 29 for PEN San Miguel de
Allende. Hope
to see many of you there! And finally, some news about workshops. |

he passed away in late 2010, my dad, Roger Mansell (1935 - 2010) has published
his book! Captured: The Forgotten Men of Guam (edited
by his good friend the noted POW historian Linda Goetz Holmes)
is now available from Naval Institute Press. To read more, visit
>Kindle and hardcover
>Order direct from Naval
Institute Press
In the days
of shock and horror that followed Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor,
another monumental event, occurring almost simultaneously, was
largely overlooked: Japan's bloody seizure of the strategically
critical island of Guam. For the American troops, civilians and
native people captured in the invasion, so began an epic ordeal.
The Americans were shipped off to be slaves for the Japanese,
while the natives remained behind to endure four years of brutalities
under their captors. Roger Mansell, the pre-eminent historian
of Pacific POWs, devoted the last years of his life to unearthing
and telling this forgotten story, and after his death, the work
was completed by his colleague, the esteemed POW author Linda
Goetz Holmes. Chronicling a lost chapter of World War II, Captured
promises to be an authoritative, fastidiously researched and
compelling read.
Laura Hillenbrand, author of Unbroken |
for Writers & Other Creative Entrepreneurs
By C.M. Mayo (Dancing Chiva, Kindle)
you have something to say! There
are many eager ears out there, in cars, on trains and planes,
in waiting rooms, in kitchens, perhaps washing dishes
podcasts, on-line digital files, not only serve as an
important promotional tool for writers, but they can be storytelling
vehicles in themselves, whether as stand-alone works or complements
to text, and as such, a powerful way to reach new audiences.
"What a charming little manualand
what a delightful way to learn about podcasting! With Podcasting
for Writers, C.M. Mayo generously offers writers and other
would-be podcasters a step-by-step guide to the process of creating
an audio recording for the internet. Coming at it with full understanding
of the hesitancy others may feel about attempting to podcast,
she provides encouraging words, makes her instructions clear
and straight-forward, and provides many tips that will help others
head off glitches at the pass. In addition to her easy
peasy ten steps, which are just that, readers are treated
to the choice images, ingenious similes, and clever humor that
are this writers hallmarks. Learn about podcasting while
Mayo calls into your mind images of guitarists with mutton chops,
Edith Wharton blogging, and kids at pond-side tiddlywinking peas.
The book is packed with resources, and the collection of interviews
with other writer-podcasters in the appendices are wonderful.
If you have a yen to podcast, grab this book and your voice will
be on line before the tiddlywink hits the pond."
Mansfield Taber
"Very helpful and inspiring. And even
more helpful if you read it online because it has lots of links
to recommended podcasts, podcast hosting sites, and many references.
Plus it's a fun read. Takes away all the mysterious mumb jumbo.
I especially enjoyed the interviews with other podcasters. This
book really opened my eyes to the possibilities in podcasting."
A Reader
in California ( review)
Recollections of Maximilian by Marie de la Fere
Edited and Introduced by C.M. Mayo (Dancing Chiva, PDF)
A rare English language
circa 1910 eyewitness memoir of Maximilian published online by
permission of the Bancroft Library, University of California
Click to download it now. (No worries, it is a small, quick-loading

(Tip: If you're using an iPad, download this PDF and then click
on the option, "open it in iBooks.") |
Visitantes: Una vista a Todos Santos, Baja California Sur
Por C.M. Mayo, Traducción de Bertha Ruiz de la Concha
(Dancing Chiva, iBook)
The Spanish
translation of chapter 2 of Miraculous Air
C.M. Mayo visita a Todos Santos,
Baja California Sur, un pueblo único y mágico en
la costa del Pacífico y en la antesala de una gran
Los visitantes es el segundo capítulo del libro Miraculous Air: Journey of a
Thousand Miles through Baja California, the Other Mexico,
obra que el Los Angeles Times califica como "luminosa"
y el Instituto de Estudios Interamericanos llamó "uno
de los mejores libros sobre México en muchos años".
From Mexico to Miramar or, Across the
Lake of Oblivion
By C.M. Mayo (Dancing Chiva, Kindle and iBook)
Long in Kindle, now also
in iBook format.
A nonfiction novela about a fairytale: a visit to the Emperor
of Mexico's Italian castle. Originally published in Massachusetts
Review. Winner, Washington Prize for Best Personal Essay.

Books (The Last Prince of the
Mexican Empire, Miraculous Air, Mexico: TLC, Sky
Over El Nido)
>More Ebooks (From Mexico to
Miramar, The Building of Quality, Spiritist Manual)
>Descargar El último príncipe del
Imperio Mexicano Kindle |
Listen online
or download them to listen in anytime. |

Mary Baxter came to Marfa years
ago for the horses and cattle business and stayed to paint the
sky-haunted landscapes. Recently returned to Marfa after a decade
in (relatively nearby) Marathon, Texas, Mary Baxter talked to
C.M. Mayo in her sun-filled studio in October 2012.
>>View some of Mary Baxter's
works at
>>Read her biography and view more works at Hunt

Elvis. The private art gallery.
Lithium. And even better: no email. C.M.
Mayo recounts a visit to this remote Chihuahuan Desert oasis
in May of 2012. |
Listen in to the many
other "Marfa Mondays" podcasts anytime at |
 A Conversation
with Sergio Troncoso, author of the novel From This Wicked
Patch of Dust and Crossing Borders: Personal Essays
Troncoso on writing
his novel From This Wicked Patch of Dust; El Paso, family,
reading and visual culture, writing literary novels, blogging,
New York publishing, Chicano literature, US-Mexico border history,
and 9/11. Recorded by Skype, summer 2012 *Approx
1 hour.
News flash: Sergio Troncoso's novel has won the Southwest Book
Award! |
in anytime to all the other conversations:
Sara Mansfield Taber
Michael K. Schuessler
Edward Swift
Solveig Eggerz
Rosemary Sullivan |
C.M. Mayo introduces
her new ebook, Podcasting for Writers
"Naples Dave"
and others from are the big voices, along with music
clips from, plus silly sound
effects, and more. C.M. Mayo recorded her portion at ye olde
writing desk (any snoring sounds are from the dog) and edited
the whole shebang on her laptop using Apple's GarageBand. As
Mayo says, "If I can podcast, so can you." |
by C.M. Mayo
Originally published in Turnrow, recently reprinted in
Thanks to editor Leslie Pietrzyk. |
What are your favorite podcasts?
2. Do you podcast and if so, what is your URL?
I'll be blogging
about podcasts at Madam
and preparing a second edition of Podcasting for Writers over the next six months.
love to hear from you! |
10 Books Read 2012
Giselva Silva, Palo Alto Creepiness, Beniamino Bufano, Kevin
Helios 6 and Francisco I. Madero's Spiritist
Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimt's Masterpiece
and Ghost Expert John B. Kachuba on 5 Literary Ghosts
Tipping a la Mexicana with the Metaphysical Traveler |
6 pm Teatro Angela Peralta
San Miguel de Allende
C.M. Mayo talks about the radical change in travel writing in
the digital age and reads from her memoir-in-progress, tentatively
titled World Waiting for a Dream:
Travels in Far West Texas |
I am not giving any workshops
this winter, alas, but I thought you might be interested in this
one offered by my friend Ann McLaughlin. It promises to be very
helpful for anyone who has been at this for a while and is thinking
about the shape of their novel and how to brighten it up with
detail. It's a wonderful opportunity to study with one of the
Writer Center's best and most experienced instructors.
Feb 2 to March 30 / 8 Saturdays /10:00 to 12:30 / Walsh St.,
In this workshop, we will focus on shape and the telling detail.
Every member will have a
chance to submit her or his work at least twice and we will also
discuss one published work.
Ann McLaughlin,
Ann McLaughlin has taught at the Writer's Center for 25 years.
She is on the Board and
has published seven novels. Her newest novel will be out in September.
>To register online, go to
P.S. Explore the conucopia of
for Writers on my workshop page, including:
>Giant Golden Buddha & 364 More 5 Minute Writing Exercises
>Recommended Reading (Craft, Process, Literary Travel Memoir)
>Podcasts for Writers
you haven't already, click on the cover to download this 50+
page cornucopia of the tips from my writing workshops. It is
a fully formatted PDF which you can read on any computer and
also open in iBooks. [This
download is for subscribers only. Subscribers receive the
passwords for free e-books in the next newsletter e-mail.
If you want your copy of this book immediately, before my next
newsletter goes out, sign up for the Dancing Chiva newsletter
here.] |
narrative we become more human.
Truth is
beauty. Exploration is infinite.
Please feel free to forward
this to friends. |
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