Marfa Mondays Exploring Marfa, Texas &
Environs in 24 podcasts, apropos of a book-in-progress about
Far West Texas. Listen in!
Conversations with
Other Writers Yours Truly interviews other
writers I am curious to learn more about, and whose work I admire
and celebrate. Listen in!
Madam Mayo
Posts here every Monday, except when not, and oftentimes more
often on books, Mexico, Far West Texas, literary translation,
tips for creative writers, cyberflanerie, and occasional interviews
and guest-blogs.
Maximilian ~ Carlota
Resources for researchers of the
tumltuous period of Mexican history known as the Second Empire
or "French Intervention."
to my Wild West Internet Whatnot Page. West: as in Palo Alto, California, white-hot
center of Silicon Valley, which happens to be where I grew up.
This is a bodacious tsunami of a time to be a writer, as we can
ever more easily use software, hardware, and various digital services
to both create and broadcast not only text, but images, audio,
and video.
I believe that physical books as we have known them will survive,
and even flourish with their smaller but ardent fandom, as have
horses in the age of automobiles and candles in the age of electricity.
Meanwhile, electronic text, audio books, video, and a mashup of
all three plus games and widgets (and holographic who-knows-what)
may come ever more to the fore in "packages" of narrative
we have yet to imagine (for a start, check out the iBook
Author App).
All of which is to say, most of these many blogs,
podcasts, and videoshave to do with my books,
or my works-in-progress, but I also consider
them part of my work as a writer in the broader sense
of whatever "writer" may come to mean.