Books, May 5, 2009)
The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire selected
as one of Library
Journal's Best Books 2009.
upon a time, there was a little half-American boy who briefly
became heir to the Mexican throneuntil his distraught parents
sued the doomed Emperor Maximilian for his return. As in the
best historical fiction, Mayo's sparkling first novel transforms
a forgotten historical footnote into a spellbinding, heartbreaking
tale filled with drama and fascinating characters."
Library Journal

It is a hefty, sprawling
work, more than 400 pages long, but at no point does it begin
to sag under its own weight. Perhaps because its spread is solidly
supported by facts, Mayo's intricate plot trips along at a natural,
inexorable pace, easily traveling the sweeping map she has laid
out for it, from Washington to Mexico City and all the way to
the imperial halls of Europe... a swashbuckling, riotous good
time, befitting the fairy-tale promise of the opening sentence.
here to read more
The Last Prince
of the Mexican Empire
packs a wallop. It is a fascinating historical account delivered
in such sweeping, compelling prose as to ring more like literature
than factand, fundamentally, one could say that its
both; it proves false that old Dorothy Parker adage about historical
novels being neither novels nor history. This is an extensively
researched and brilliantly organized book, combining geopolitics,
international finance, military strategy, and, alas, the eternal
struggle of a family, a child, and the human heart in the midst
of it all... Mayo, who has lived in Mexico for many years and
has written extensively about its history and culture, is the
author of a travel memoir about Baja California, among other
works. Her literary style is seasoned, intelligent, and wonderfully
Novas, Multicultural Review
En México
se han escrito novelas históricas que recrean con erudición,
maestría y poesía una época, un episodio,
una atmósfera y unos personajes. Pienso, desde luego,
en Noticias del imperio de Fernando del Paso; también
en la obra de Enrique Serna sobre Santa
Anna, la de Rosa Beltrán sobre Guerrero o la reciente
novela de C.M. Mayo: El último príncipe del
Imperio Mexicano, sobre el nieto de Iturbide en la corte
de Maximiliano.
Krauze, Reforma (Mexico City)
"La cosecha editorial del 2010" 20 Septiembre, 2009
have read a few sweeping historical novels that have remain inside
of me forever. Tolstoy's War and Peace is one of those,
Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities is another, Pasternak's
Doctor Zhivago is another, and now The Last Prince
of the Mexican Empire is another.
Tipton, Mexico Connect
here to read more
The Last Prince
of the Mexican Empire
sheds incredible light on the day-to-day happenings in a royal
court that was doomed, from the hour of coronation, to fail....Painstaking
historical and cultural research is put to good use in Mayo's
narrative, but the true texture of this novel is the rich and
credible representations of the secondary characters. From the
emperor's guards to the toddler's nurse, the supporting cast
of perspectives provides a full insider's view of 19th-century
life in Chapultepec Castle and Mexico City.... The Last Prince
of the Mexican Empire is a stunning achievement, an
inspired novel that steers clear of boring history lessons and
instead zeroes in on the smallest epicenter Principe Agustin
de Iturbide y Green to spiral out into a wondrous period,
1860s Mexico, a time of political possibility and unrest in which
"persons who do not appear to share even a footprint's worth
of common ground turn out to have destinies bound together in
painful knots."
Gonzalez, The El Paso Times
here to read more
"Partiendo de una concienzuda y afortunada
búsqueda en archivos públicos y privados, Mayo
logró reunir un caudal de información notable de
la que hace uso con bastante desenvoltura....No me queda sino
celebrar esta novela, que, comenzando lentamente, termina subyugando
por su notable narración."
Soler Frost, Letras Libres
último príncipe del Imperio Mexicano no es una biografía...
O para decirlo más acertadamente, es mucho más
que una biografía. Se trata de una historia apasionada
y original sobre ese experimento trágico, heroico, cruel,
cómico y hasta absurdo que fue el breve gobierno de Maximiliano
de Habsburgo en México. Para escribir la crónica
de esa epopeya, la autora, C.M. Mayo, se involucró en
un esfuerzo de investigación monumental. De no haber ocurrido
de esa manera, el producto editorial habría resultado
muy diferente y, por supuesto, de meor calidad... La perseverencia
en este tipo de indagaciones resulta fundamental. Es la histamina
que impulsa la exploración sin truega y que la autora
nos comparte en esa suerte de confesión intelectual que
es el epílogo de su conmovedor libro.
El Economista
in scope, Mayo's impressively researched novel set in mid-19th
century Mexico City mines the true story of the short turbulent
reign of the archduke of Austria, Maximilian von Hapsburg, who
was made emperor of Mexico in 1864. Childless and desperate for
an heir, the emperor makes substantial monetary promises to the
parents of a young boy named Agustin. With much trepidation,
they agree to give over the boy, who becomes a pawn in a custody
battle that begins when Maximilian adopts the two-year-old Agustin
with the hopes of having him inherit the throne. Agustin's American
mother, Madame de Iturbide (née Alice Green), soon becomes
dissatisfied with the arrangement and pleads with Maximilian
to return her son. Maximilian has Alice deported, which sets
off an international brawl. Maximilian finally concedes as Mexico
devolves into bankruptcy and lawlessness and Maximilian's
wife, Carlota, becomes increasingly unmoored. Lengthy,
expository, meandering and grandiose, Mayo's reanimation of a
crucial period in Mexican history should satisfy history buffs
and those in the mood for an engaging story brimming with
majestic ambition.
"a meticulously
researched version of the infamous folly of Emperor Maximilian
and Empress Carlota of Mexico, told in part from the remarkable,
lesser-known perspective of Alice Green. ...The story is intriguing,
with a cast of characters geerally left unnoticed by historical
accounts. Yet Mayo found a plethora of primary source documentation
once she started digging.... The story is not simply chronological,
but includes frequent dranatic depictions of events laternated
with supplying context, a technique that pricks interest and
moves things along smoothly despite the complex baggage of historical
facts.... This richly rendered telling lifts [the prince's]
story from history's sidelines and fills it with life."
Dubrava, Bloomsbury Review
interesting yarn about Maximilians heir presumptive, Prince
Agustín de Iturbide y Green, is set against the backdrop
of the second Mexican Emperors ill-fated reign. Author
C.M. Mayo winner of the Flannery OConnor Award for
Short Fiction for her collection Sky Over El Nido has conducted
significant research to compile a story that is both grand
yet intimate about a child who sparked an international scandal.
The intriguing tale of the Prince of Mexico offers a fine
historical lesson about why Maximilians paternalistic adventure
in a country that did not want him was doomed from the start.
Latin American Review of Books
resurrects a sad story from the footnotes of history and embroiders
the few details known about it into a rich historical novel...
Mayo comfortably blends fiction with fact while illuminating
a dark corner of North American history.
Mayos cultural
insights are first-rate, and the glittering, doomed regime comes
to life in quick vignettes.
Recommended to readers of popular history as well as historical
fiction. Fans of such Mexican-themed novels as Laura Esquivels
Like Water for Chocolate or Sandra Cisneros Caramelo
might enjoy this for context and contrast.
here to read more
... [A] rich historical novel...
Political ambitions, the intrigues of the imperial court, and
the relationship between countries at the height of European
colonization all the drive the intricate plot of the novel, taking
us on a dizzying journey from Washington to Veracruz to Paris
and back to Mexico and the U.S.... The evocative descriptions
and ironic commentary on the relationship between cultures make
this an enjoyable and important novel, particularly relevant
for these times.
Latin American Voices
agudeza que usa C.M.Mayo para disectar la realidad se mantiene
presente a lo largo de sus páginas. El recuento de los
sucesos históricos nos hablan de un pasaje de la historia
mexicana casi olvidado. Este proyecto es entonces un producto
que la generosidad de C.M. Mayo ha legado a México....Efectivamente,
el libro promete volverse un clásico
Entre los espacios (Rosemary Salum)
here for the full review
The search for an
heir is the ostensible subject... The couple find a boy who had
been born to a grandson of the previous emperor of Mexico, Augustín
Iturbide, and they sign a contract with the parents saying that
they will raise him, starting at age two... If this is
all too confusing, don't sweat it: everything is made clear,
charmingly so, in The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire.
The book is chockablock full of royal families, royal rumors,
royal disputes, as well as being an Upstairs, Downstairs to 19th
Century royal life of uplands Mexico.
The Review of Arts, Literature, Philsophy and the Humanities
here for the full review
C.M. Mayo's novel, The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire
is the best sort of novel, the kind that allows you for the length
of its story to live in another time, another world. With brilliant
inmate detail and absolutely believable dialogue, Mayo gives
us the inner lives of people caught in the paradoxical circumstances
of royalty: enormous privilege and desperate conflicts. From
the gentle love of a new mother for her princeling child, "O,
how his lips made an O" -- to "Her Majesty" seizing
the cup of chocolate from the hand of the pope and drinking it
down, we are allowed to love and live, fear and fight for survival
in a real world that Mayo has exhaustively researched. Mayo's
craft in writing, personal experience of Mexico, and quality
of wisdom make every character multi-dimensional in a complex
yet understandable context. And in spite of teaching the reader
a tremendous amount about Mexican history and life, this book
is a very good read!!
Schneider, author of How the Light Gets In: Writing as Spiritiual
Mayo who has so elegantly described Mexico in her other books
does a great job of pulling the reader into this true story yet
it is her imagination that has filled in the details. It is so
cleverly done that the reader buys into the plot and wants to
turn each page to discover what will come next in this whirl
of Mexicans, Americans and Europeans. On a number of different
levels, many of us can identify with the drama of this period,
be it ethnic, cultural, or political, for while one reads he
has to ask himself: What would have happened if things did not
turn out the way they did in Mexico?... I can't wait to pick
up the book and read it once again
Giron's Chez Robert Giron
here for the full review
C.M. Mayo's The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire is a
historical novel as well-written and researched as it is educational
and entertaining. I knew little of Mexico's history before
picking up this book, but Mayo has a gift for bringing historical
figures to life in a brilliant combination of fiction and
here to read the guest-blog post for
Largehearted Boy's Book Notes column.
C. M. Mayo cleverly and faithfully imagines the details behind
the facts of this entangled saga. Her characters, based on years
of research, are depicted as they might well have been. The authors
fictionalization of Maximilian and Charlotte is thoroughly believable,
drawing readers into the minds and hearts of the Emperor and
Empress as they struggle to build a country and a legacy. Young
Augustíns parents, Angel and Alicia, torn between
love for their child and a desire to secure that childs
future, are the opposing force to Maximilian and equally compelling
in their determination to do whatever is best for their child
and their country... The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire
is a beautiful example of historical fiction done properly. Mayo
has drawn from the scanty facts and filled in only what is necessary
to lead the reader along a logical path of what-might-have-been.
Not a quick read by any means, this is nevertheless a book
to be savored for its artfully crafted prose and extraordinary
Up With A Good Book
here to read the full review
Mayo has taken a little-known incident in the history of
Mexico and fleshed out the characters and the times in a broad,
lush style. We may remember learning in school about the Emperor
Maximilian and his wife Carlota, the (ultimately) mad Empress,
who ruled Mexico for a short while after Frances misguided
invasion. It all seemed a rather bizarre historical footnote;
what we didnt know is that Maximilian and Carlota were
given a young Mexican child whom they designated as their heir.
The story of this child, Agustin, and how his parents allowed
him to be taken away by the royal couple, is quite a remarkable
story. Mayo, a longtime resident of Mexico, researched this story
for years, in archives in North and South America.
Reader's Place (Rosalind Reisner)
here to read more
The Last Prince deserves attention.
It is an ambitious book for tackling such a complicated little
sliver of history, and Mayo brings her historic characters to
life with a compelling story for a modern audience.
City Reader
here to read more
I am enthralled
with this book! The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire by
C.M. Mayo is a historical novel of the best kind a tale
based on history, not merely set in historic times about
how Maximilian, the Hapsburg Emperor of Mexico, "adopted"
the grandson of the first Mexican Emperor. There are so many
characters telling the tale from their own point of view
everyone from the Emperor to the scullery maid to the toddler
prince himself and such a complicated plot! It has me hanging
on every page. Lots of adventure and detail; great, clean writing
that doesn't get in the way of the story. And all about a sliver
of European / New World history that I kno nothing about and
am intrigued by. This is the kind of novel to get lost in.
City Reader
here to read more.
Based on actual events, The Last
Prince of the Mexican Empire tells the tale of two-year old
Agustin de Iturbide y Green, a little boy of an American mother
and Mexican Father who is adopted by Maximilian von
Hapsburg during his brief time as the Emperor of Mexico. The
little boy is made the Heir Presumptive, and his parents are
expelled from Mexico and sent to France, which is the beginning
of their quest to regain custody of their son. The cast of historical
characters ranging from royalty to household servants is extensive,
giving the reader a complete sense of understanding the time
and circumstances of the actual participants of this intriguing
real life drama. This short but tumultuous period of Mexicos
history is fantastically told by first-time novelist, C.M. Mayo,
fans of Mexican history will devour it.
Gallentine Vromans Bookstore, Pasadena, CA
epic novel takes on a convoluted period in Mexico's history and
the complicated families ruling or eager to rule in the mid-19th
Century. Mayo does exceptionally well with multiple points of
view, description, and character development to create a vivid
dramatization. The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire would
make a great book club selection and discussion.
Verse & Wit
here to read more
...a very compelling story with
a ton of juicy history to savor. Mayo has an elegant style
that weaves in and out of fact and fiction as she reaches into
the minds of the major players and then deviates to introduce
supporting characters (nearly all of them real as well)... After
finishing this wonderful novel I have new respect for the trials
suffered by our southern neighbor in the recent past and also
a deep desire to learn more about so many of the names involved,
not the least of which the little boy who almost became the future
ruler of a nation.
here to read more
The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire is impeccably researched
and beautifully rendered. Those readers who love complex historical
novels and who want to learn more about this time period in Mexican
history will enjoy Mayos work.
Mom Book Blog
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The political history of Mexico
is as interesting as it is complex, but especially intriguing
are the two brief periods when Mexico was ruled by an emperor....
C.M. Mayo's historical novel, The Last Prince of the Mexican
Empire, provides a most engaging account of that second reign
of 1864-1867... The intrigues, both personal and political, of
the second regency are imaginatively related...Those who have
read more than a little history of Mexico will realize the thorough
historical historical research done by the author.
Alexandria, Virginia
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...a fascinating and engaging
book. Mayo has done extensive research and this time period in
Mexican history really comes alive through her writing. Sympathies
change as different viewpoints are voiced and you come to realize
the complexities of this political situation.
Be Reading Book Blog
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The prose is luminous and the story is compelling. As a reader,
I wanted to know what happened next and whether or not Alicia
and Angelo got their son back. I enjoyed feeling like I was learning
something; this is a period I know very little about and I always
enjoy learning more. I appreciated in huge amounts the authors
note with bibliography in the back of the book, particularly
the bit about how she became interested, and I know I will now
go off to read about Agustín and his family.
here to read more
This is a fascinating and complex novel about a little known
period in Mexican history. The author's extensive research and
richly detailed settings bring to life nineteenth century Mexico
in a vast, colorful tapestry. From the lowly kitchen maid and
the rough soldier to the bluest blood of the European aristocracy,
we are treated to pieces of the story from every point of view....All
in all, a very enjoyable book, a must read for the dedicated
historical fiction fan.
Tome Traveller's Weblog
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On your next
trip, take this book with you. If you are traveling to Mexico,
you will find new destinations that may pique your interest,
such as the remains of Maximilians residences, which are
described in this book. The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire
is highly recommended as an entertaining read, with a strong
Mexican heritage and a liberal interpretation of history.
Isaacs, The Cutting Edge
here to read the full review.
Eye on Books (same review)
here to read more
...to understand the violence of
modern Mexico, one must also understand the violence of 19th
century Mexico. C.M. Mayos historical romance, The Last
Prince of the Mexican Empire, brings to light aristocratic
intrigue, revolutionary violence, and dynastic striving during
the late 1860s... The political details are convoluted, but C.M.
Mayo brings the story to life... she captures the atmosphere
of Second Empire Mexico in the words, culture, language, and
cuisine. We enter the minds of Emperor Maximilian, Empress Carlota,
Princess Alicia, and many others, including cooks, diplomats,
and revolutionaries. Obscure history has never been so interesting.
In the Last Prince of the Mexican Empire, one will encounter
a nation divided by dynastic splendor and revolutionary struggle,
families sundered and ideals curdled by poor planning and political
corruption. Theres even a little bit about pirates... The
Last Prince of the Mexican Empire reads like a paleo-prequel
to Bolaños 2666, a timely meditation on a violent,
beautiful land and a people struggling for peace and happiness.
Wolff, Blogcritics
here to read more
Last Prince of the Mexican Empire is a sweeping historical novel
of Mexico during the short, tragic, at times surreal, reign of
Emperor Maximilian and his court. Even as the American Civil
War raged north of the border, a clique of Mexican conservative
exiles and clergy convinced Louis Napoleon to invade Mexico and
install the Archduke of Austria, Maximilian von Habsburg, as
Emperor. A year later, the childless Maximilian took custody
of the two year old, half-American, Prince Agustin de Iturbide
y Green, making the toddler the Heir Presumptive. Maximilian
s reluctance to return the child to his distraught parents, even
as his empire began to fall, and the Empress Carlota descended
into madness, ignited an international scandal. This lush, grand
read is based on the true story and illuminates both the cultural
roots of Mexico and the political development of the Americas.
But it is made all the more captivating by the depth of Mayo
s writing and her understanding of the pressures and influences
on these all too human players. Her prose makes the reader taste
the foods, smell the spices and flowers and feel the heat of
Mexico. Mayo writes for the senses. And for the ages. The
Last Prince of the Mexican Empire is a story both sweeping
and intimate, of geopolitics, the glamour of royalty, and the
grit of military command, of the arrogance of power, the dark
labyrinths of ambition, and, above all, of a child who was not,
in the end, a prince, but a little boy who belonged to his parents.
publisher's press release:
in scope...impressively researched...Mayo's reanimation of a
crucial period in Mexican history should satisfy history buffs
and those in the mood for an engaging story brimming with majestic
ambition." Publishers Weekly
"A rich
historical novel...Mayo comfortably blends fiction with fact
while illuminating a dark corner of North American history."
By C.M. Mayo
Unbridled Books
Pub date: May 5, 2009; ISBN: 978-1-932961-64-5; Hardcover; $26.95;
6"x 9"; 432 pages; Fiction
Given that Mexico
remains much in the news, and that now is the time to better
understand our neighbor, THE LAST PRINCE OF THE MEXICAN EMPIRE
is as timely and important as it is engaging. Set during the
mid-19th century, when Maximilian became Emperor of Mexico, Mayo's
novel becomes a story of Mexico itself, its struggle for national
identity amidst the wrangling for control of the Americas, its
complexity, its rich history, its beauty, its culture.
Maximilian and
his consort, Carlota, arrived in Mexico City in 1864, propped
up by the influx of French troops. Childless, in 1865, Maximilian
took custody of with all appearances
that this would be his Heir Presumptivethe two-year old Prince Agustín
de Iturbide, grandson of Mexico's first emperor, a leader of
Mexico's Independence from Spain, who had been executed before
a firing squad. The boy's father, a Mexican diplomat, and mother,
a Washington D.C. belle, immediately regretted their complicity.
But Maximilian refused to relinquish the child, sparking an international
This history
is compelling and little known. Coupled with Mayo's evocative
prose and vivid, compassionate characterizations, one cannot
help but turn the pages to find out what happened, and why.
C.M. Mayo has
been living in and writing about Mexico for many years. Her books
include the widely-lauded travel memoir, Miraculous Air: Journey
of a Thousand Miles through Baja California, the Other Mexico,
and Sky Over El Nido, which won the Flannery O'Connor
Fiction Award for Short Fiction. An avid translator of contemporary
Mexican literature, Mayo is founding editor of Tameme Chapbooks
~ Cuadernos, and has also edited the anthology Mexico: A Traveler's
Literary Companion, a portrait of Mexico in the fiction and
literary prose of 24 Mexican writers. She conducted extensive
original research to write this novel, her debut. Mayo divides
her time between Washington D.C. and Mexico City.