Manual espírita by "Bhima" (Francisco
I. Madero), 1911.
English translation by C.M. Mayo, from:
Odyssey Into the Mexican Revolution:
...Francisco I. Madero and His
Secret Book, Spiritist Manual
...By C.M. Mayo (Dancing
Chiva, 2014)
Q. What is the objective of morality?
A. Morality, as you can understand from what I have just explained,
is meant to give man the rules by which he may be happy, whether
in this life or in space, according to his respective beliefs.
Q. What is the basis of Spiritist morality?
A. Spritist morality has a very firm foundation, which
is entirely philosphical and rational, as I will now explain
to you:
Spiritism affirms that the only true happiness that can be found
is in fulfilling one's duty, that is, obeying the Divine Law,
summed up by Jesus Christ is the following words: "that
you love one another."
It is true indeed that in loving our fellow man we find happiness;
people who live and work only for themselves are very rare. The
overwhelming majority of beings that inhabit this world feel
happiest in the company of their fellows and when the object
of their work, their worries, and many times even including their
crimes, is to achieve their loved ones's well-being.
Selfishness, vanity, anger, sloth, lust, gluttony, and the craving
for intoxicating liquors can put human beings' noble sentiments
for their fellow men to sleep.
Therefore,to be happy, we must make our love radiate as far as
possible, and we must make our greatest, most constant efforts
to expand it.